App Update #3

Dexfolio | $DEXF |
4 min readDec 6, 2021


We’ve put a new update system in place to ensure that our public releases are stable. Going forward, updates will first be pushed out to testers to give us the opportunity to identify and resolve any issues prior to the update going live for everyone else.

All android users that were beta testers before the app launched, have been automatically added to open testing. If you’d like to stop being a tester, you can leave by going to the app page.

If you want to become a tester, you can click the links below:

Here’s what’s in the beta update

New Features

  • Browse page.
  • Search tokens.
  • Alert threshold setting.
  • Information section on the token details page.
  • Show which wallet contains tokens on the token details page.
  • Added charts to native gas tokens e.g. ETH, BNB, MATIC.


  • Allow for removal of a linked email address.
  • Improved the speed of adding an address on setup.
  • Clicking on a notification now takes you through to the token details page.
  • Native gas tokens have been improved so that ETH and BNB now display native token information rather than information about the wrapped token version.
  • Fixed laggy bottom app bar.

Bugs Fixes

  • Fixed a bug causing a grey screen for tokens with large change values.
  • Fixed issue that caused app bar to break when navigating.
  • Fixed bug which was causing a timeout when adding a wallet address.
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing pasting of wallet addresses on IOS.
  • A variety of miscellaneous bugs.
  • Community founder images now maintain their natural aspect ratio.
  • Fixed bug in which alerts were being sent to certain hidden tokens.
  • Fixed an issue which caused the app to crash when scrolling through the community drawer on a device with low memory.
  • Fixed a grey screen issue caused by adding and removing a contract address from tracked wallets.
  • Fixed a bug that showed wrong symbols for tokens in the billions, trillions, and quadrillions.
  • Fixed issue in which removing wallet could cause other wallets to also be removed.
  • Fixed portfolio grey screen issue.


Clicking on a notification now takes you through to the token details page.

New Features

Browse tokens section

You can now browse the top crypto tokens from our new section. Click a token to see it’s full price history, info, and even your holdings if you own it!

Search Tokens

Now you can search over 10,000 cryptocurrencies right in the Dexfolio app

Alert threshold setting

A new setting to prevent alerts from being sent against token holdings below a specified price.

Information section on the token details page

A new section containing information such as contract address, network, circulating supply, total supply, max supply, and inception date.

Wallet Breakdown

You can now see a breakdown of which of your wallets contain the token you are viewing.

Charts for native gas tokens e.g. ETH, BNB, MATIC

Now you can view the price changes for each network’s gas/native token.

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Dexfolio | $DEXF |

A multi-DEX tracker with an intelligent alert system. $DEXF, our native token runs on Binance Smart Chain and is used for governance and pro features.