Dexfolio: Full Audit by Solid Group
Continuing our commitment to having the most secure project
We’re excited to share the final audit report for Dexfolio—but first we just wanted to say thanks for an incredible launch! It’s awesome seeing so many people believing in the vision and mission of Dexfolio!
To ensure our project was fully secure, we employed Solid Group audit the 4 Dexfolio smart contracts:
- DEXF Token: 0xB9844A9Cb6aBD9F86bb0B3aD159e37EeccE08987
- Timelock: 0x1F5b8300fed2EE70c3933C004C2B9e7089eC6aCb
- Governance: 0x0253E3Ad46c9Ca1df32c3d3EecC09f3f1A84ef74
- Farming: 0xe0AcBA75Dcd7C556a70201B7eaaf35B6d4B04C97
In addition to auditing our contracts, Solid group also providing their bot protection contract during our launch. As you can see from our launch, it worked exceptionally well!
Audit Results
Click here to view the full audit: DexfolioAudit.pdf
In summary, there were 3 informational severity issues, 1 medium severity issue, and 0 high severity issues!
Medium level issue: If _dailyStakingRewards of a certain day were 0, all users that staked during that day will not get rewards for the rest of their staking period.
After much discussion, we chose not to change the medium severity issue since fixing issues can many times lead to a lot of edge cases and complex code.
In this case, the staking rewards can never be 0 from running out since the daily reward is always a % of the remaining tokens available. The only way rewards can be 0 is if the governors vote in favor of setting it. This will never happen because the project governors are the ones staking the tokens and they don’t want 0 rewards (Dexfolio governance is with staked LP tokens).
Note about Team Tokens release
After deployment, we noticed that we accidentally set the team tokens release to 104 days instead of 104 weeks.
Since team release schedule can’t be changed with governance (auditor’s request), we will do the following to reimplement the correct token release:
Every couple of weeks the team will send all the tokens that unlocked to a smart contract which has the correct release of 27K tokens per day. By doing this, the team tokens won’t build up to an amount that‘s notable.
As a side point, this solution will actually cost us the 3% transaction tax twice, but we feel it’s worthwhile to be as secure as possible!
You can see the new lock contract here:
We’ve already locked the tokens released today in the contract. See transaction here:
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