Introducing: HODLegend, a next-gen NFT project

Dexfolio | $DEXF |
2 min readMar 5, 2022


Dexfolio and TAHU are partnering to create a next-gen crypto revolutionary utility NFT project.

Using on the edge webgl technology and 3D interactive rendering, we are presenting a first-of-its kind NFT project that pushes the boundary of what NFTs can do.

Using TAHU’s exclusive interactive NFT technology, these NFTs interact with touch and mouse, being a real time generated audio-video content. You can spin the NFT in all directions to see it from any angle, “touch” it to create
See HODLegend in action: LiveNFT

This NFT collection will not have a single mint event. Instead, every crypto project will be able to mint a HODLegend NFT with their logo to give to their community. The collection will keep getting larger, but as it does, the HODLegend community will get larger.

We are partnering with the most popular crypto projects and generating custom HODLegend NFTs with their logo, to be given to the projects’ top HODLers.

Holding a HODLegend NFT represents your legend status of the project.

We will limit the amount of NFTs released for each project in order to ensure the NFTs remains valuable and rare. We will share specific numbers once we get more market data.

In celebration of the project launch, Dexfolio and TAHU are running a giveaway for first ever HODLegend NFTs. Enter the giveaway here:

After this, we will start our launch month where we will partner with 20+ projects to provide them with their own HODLegend NFT to give to their community.

Follow the project’s twitter to stay up to date with the mint:

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Dexfolio | $DEXF |

A multi-DEX tracker with an intelligent alert system. $DEXF, our native token runs on Binance Smart Chain and is used for governance and pro features.