LP Staking Is Now Open!

Dexfolio | $DEXF | dexfolio.org
4 min readSep 14, 2021


Our staking is now open! As you are aware, we temporarily stopped staking while we resolved a critical vulnerability that was identified via our bug bounty program. This vulnerability has now been resolved.

APY is over 100,000% right now, but of course that will drop as people stake.

Want to Get Dexfolio PRO free for life?

Due to popular request, we are reopening our promotion to get unlimited Dexfolio PRO feature access for life. In order to participate you are required to stake at least 100 LP (93 LP accounting for the 3% tax) for 104 weeks. Up to 50 more addresses can now join the promotion, but don’t wait around, the promotion is only open until 21st September.

Note: Previous event participants must re-stake their 100LP for 104 weeks in order to continue to participate in the promotion.

Previous Staking Rewards

Outstanding rewards will be distributed to everybody that unstaked their LP early, based on a snapshot taken on the 20th August as outlined in the below:

Key Details:

  • Stakes that were 4 weeks: 1x Rewards, No need to re-stake
  • Stakes that were 5–11 weeks: 2x Rewards, No need to re-stake
  • Stakes that were 12–104 weeks: 2x Rewards, Re-stake by 9th October 2021.

Stakes that were 4 weeks will receive the following rewards by 17th September (no need to re-stake). Click here to see how much DEXF you will receive.

Stakes that were 5–11 weeks will receive 2x rewards (to account for the time they were holding the LP tokens without earning rewards) by 24th September (no need to re-stake). Click here to see how much DEXF you will receive.

Stakes that were 12–104 weeks will need to re-stake to receive their earned rewards. They will also receive 2x rewards (to account for the time they were holding the LP tokens without earning rewards) . Follow the following sheet to see how much LP you need to re-stake and for how long: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mJ1EqbHWZT0zsO7_c8sDrMB3muUkcDXNiW1N9J6BKBU/edit?usp=sharing

Why stakes that were 5 weeks and longer get 2x rewards

There were exactly 4 weeks of rewards before the emergency unstake announcement. There was also around 4 weeks from the unstake announcement to now. Doubling the rewards is a simple way to account for the last 4 weeks of not receiving rewards.

The reason 4 week stakes don’t get 2x rewards is because those stakes ended around the time the snapshot was taken anyway. Note: 5 week stakes are closer to 4 weeks than 8 weeks — however it was simpler to group them with the 2x rewards because there were only a few stakes with 5 weeks.

Visit our staking dApp to re-stake: https://app.dexfolio.org

Restaking Clarifications

The amount of weeks you will need to re-stake is the original stake length reduced by 8 weeks, meaning it will end at the same time as your original stake would have. An exception to this is with 104 week stakes. These need to be re-staked for 104 weeks due to being eligible for certain promotions like the unlimited PRO access for staking 100 LP for 104 weeks.

You can stake more LP for longer than specified on the sheet if you want — the sheet just specifies the minimum length and amount you need to stake to be eligible for the rewards distribution. e.g. The sheet shows a minimum stake of 10 LP for 4 weeks, you may stake 20 LP for 12 weeks.

It is possible to combine multiple stakes together even if they have different amounts of LP and time staked, as long as the minimum time staked is set to the longest amount of weeks among the stakes that you currently have. i.e. If you have existing stakes of 24 weeks, 36 weeks, and 50 weeks, you can make a single stake for 50 weeks with the combined value of the LP.

I expected to be on one of the lists, but I’m not

If you’re not on the list, it means any or a combination of the following:

  • You staked after 20th August (this is when we took the rewards snapshot).
  • You have already claimed your rewards.
  • You never used the emergency unstake, so your stake is still running.

If you still believe you are supposed to be in the list, reach out to us in our telegram channel: https://t.me/dexfolioChat

Contract changes and the bug bounty

It took us a while to fix the vulnerability as we decided to upgrade the contract. We built an advanced feature which gives us the ability to update the contract without requiring users to unstake their LP. This means that if we find a vulnerability in the future then Ben Sash (Dexfolio’s Founder) will be able to resolve the issue by upgrading the staking contract without interrupting in-progress stakes. This is the ideal approach when dealing with smart contract vulnerabilities, since a governance vote to swap the contract would reveal the vulnerability to others.

With the success of the first bug bounty, which helped us identify the critical vulnerability in our current contract, we’ve decided to reinstate the bounty for the updated contract. We’re offering up to $4,000 for any critical-level vulnerabilities.

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Dexfolio | $DEXF | dexfolio.org
Dexfolio | $DEXF | dexfolio.org

Written by Dexfolio | $DEXF | dexfolio.org

A multi-DEX tracker with an intelligent alert system. $DEXF, our native token runs on Binance Smart Chain and is used for governance and pro features.

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